The Call for Rising Tide Leaders

“A rising tide raises all boats” (originally attributed to John F. Kennedy, though the evolution of his original statement has shifted a bit since his 1963 speech on economic contribution) is an audacious call for leaders today. 

We’re in turbulent economic times currently, and the forecast of the future economy seems even more tumultuous which is why we need rising tide leaders now. 

If you work in corporate, you’ve likely heard this expression a hundred times over, potentially with a tendency toward lip service rather than action supported. When I worked mid-level management, I used to say this to my leadership team every chance. Why? Because I believe in the truth of this sentiment, and the reality is a rising tide starts from the top down. 

What does this look like practically?

It’s the Esther 4:14 moments for today’s leaders: perhaps you were appointed for such a time as this. 

No one signs up for the throes of leadership for kicks and grins. Leadership is HARD. It’s exhausting. It’s kind of like parenting on steroids. You’re responsible for guiding, disciplining, and raising up others, the problem is you run the gamut of generations in the workplace. You don’t always get your employee at the beginning of their career to guide them by your principles, rather you inherit the good and the not-so-fun attributes of their experiences. They come as a package deal of competency, skill, grit, and baggage gained from all of their other experiences and workplaces. 

When you raised your hand to volunteer as tribute (Hunger Games anyone? - because if we’re honest, sometimes leadership feels a little like survival of the fittest), you likely had a passion for the organization’s mission. Sure, money might have helped seal the deal, but at your core, I imagine you agreed to the responsibility of leadership because you believe that the mission of this organization could transform the world around you. 

Somewhere along the way, though, we get swept up in the whirlwind of business. Meetings, deadlines, and issues consume our time, attention, and resources. And if we’re not careful, one day we may look up and realize the tide carried us far away from the trajectory we thought we were on and has left us exhausted, depleted, and with a dreaded sense of swimming against the tide to reach the intended goal. 

I get it. I’ve been there. It honestly seems much easier to throw in the proverbial towel and opt for something less challenging. Only, it won’t actually be. That’s the thing about calling - it will chase you down. You were created for this moment; with your passions, skills, talents, and experiences … for such a time as this! 

So where do we go from here?

As we prepare for the future economic climate, consider what purpose, greater than yourself, are you driving toward. What will it take to get there?

Do you have the right things in place? Things like:

  • A compelling vision to rally around

  • Strategy, beyond KPIs, that aligns teams and tasks to make real, transformative progress

  • People who are bought into the vision, values, and mission of the organization; who also possess the skill and experience to help you get there

  • Processes that support your people, align operations, conserve resources, and cast measurable results to quantify your trajectory

  • Systems that allow your people and processes to thrive not just survive in the whirlwind

  • Leadership that can inspire and invest in your people so you can truly reach your impact

When you have happy people who are skilled and supported, that will pour out in the ways they serve the mission and your customers. 

Happy people serve happily. 

Create a flourishing culture and watch your business thrive, because as cliche as it sounds, a rising tide does raise all ships. 

Think about it, as we face turbulent economic times, employees who are bought into a mission they believe in, will be much more likely to ride the tide with you. Customers who see a flourishing culture and feel well-supported are more likely to ride the tide with you, too. As the leader, you set the tide. 

What would it take for you to cast the tide for others to rise to? Do you have a compelling vision and mission that drives each person in the company to get out of bed because they believe they’re contributing to an impact far greater than themselves? Do others believe and trust you enough to keep sailing through the storm because they’ve caught hold of the vision?

If not, give us a call! We’ll help you get there. Your leadership and your employees' time is far too valuable to settle for mediocre.

You’re in leadership for such a time as this. The question is: will you step into it, and though it may be volatile at times, raise the tide for others along the way?


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